Saturday, May 31, 2008

Park Day!

I'm finally getting a chance to relax a bit with my own pictures this weekend. While I still need to load up Mother's Day & Boopy's birthday, I did do a few quick edits to some pictures I took at the park this afternoon. My good friend and coworker Natalie has kids a year older and a year younger than Big Boy. Our kids get along great. We went out to a favorite local park not far from home to play with her kids and take pictures of them for Natalie's fiance's birthday and Father's Day. The kids had a ball chasing ducks, playing on the playground and splashing around in the water.

I'm hoping to have some more down time this week. I'm not off jury duty yet, but since the judge decided to take vacation, we have this week off but go back next week. I'm really hoping they'll be down then as that will be 5 weeks jury service. I'm really tired of trying to lead two lives and figure out who I am and where I'm supposed to be! Until though, I plan on enjoying my normal regular life this coming week. I am however off on Monday for taking Boopy to her two year Dr appointment and Big boy to a dentist appointment. Should make for a nice day with the kids.

Oh, by the way, both kids should be moving up to the next classrooms at daycare. While we won't be at this daycare in the fall due to Big Boy getting into a speech program through the school near our house, it will be a great transition for the kids. I'm keep you updated!

Boopy was my photo assistant.

That is, when she wasn't busy being a monkey.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Behind, behind, behind

Ugh....another weekend, another week behind in blogging. We were out of town for most of the weekend. I'm actually blogging during my lunch break at jury duty. Yes, lovely jury duty. I've been stuck on a civil case for the past 3 weeks and have this week plus most likely another week left to go. Thus, adding to my being behind in blogging. I go in to work each day after jury duty to work as long as I can without pushing the time that I have to pick up the kids from daycare. Then it's home, dinner, bath time, work on pictures and then sleep. Really, I want to catch up and share the plethora of kid pictures I have. I'd really much rather be blogging or even at work than sitting down town in a freezing cold court room. Wish me luck and have patience with my boring unchanging page!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blogging Delay

Okay, so I have had a delay and haven't blogged on Mother's Day or Boopy's birthday...but I have been working on pictures. Just not my pictures. I'm still working on Megan's wedding but in between got Ashlyn's 3 month pictures done and have now been working on pictures for my sister and brother-in-law. So...go check out the latest. I've been having too much fun with pictures when I should be doing laundry....anyone want to come be my maid so I can play some more?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Danny turns 3!

Our good friend, Danny turned 3 at the end of April and boy did the kids have fun helping him celebrate. We went to his birthday party Saturday, May 3rd and enjoyed a glorious early summer day. Weather was well into the low 80's but just about right for this time of year and not too hot yet.

Danny is very much into music, especially guitars, so it was only fitting to have a rock star birthday party complete with blow-up guitars!

Most of the party was spent letting the kids play in the backyard. Big Boy enjoyed Danny's motorized 4 wheeler and gave Danny and Boopy rides all around the yard.

Boopy of course had to try it out for herself. She's such a big girl you know!

Grant, Danny's little brother who is almost one, got into the action too. He loved going down the slide with Danny. Grant was so funny chasing the kids around wanting to do everything they did. Hmmm...sounds familiar, doesn't it. I'm starting to think there really is something crazy to the second child thing. (Good luck, Five & Kathie - the second one really is something else!)

Big Boy & Boopy got to experience water balloons for the first time. Big Boy and Danny really enjoyed them and chased each other all over the yard. Well, okay, Big Boy, who LOVES to be chased made Danny chase him.

After the first balloon and Big Boy nearly getting Boopy with one she had enough and went onto getting Danny's Grandma to play with bubbles with her.

Since it had been drill weekend, we didn't see much of Papa Vaughn, but we still found it to be another fun filled summer weekend!
*Keep an eye out over the next couple of days. I hope to share pictures from the past weekend (Mother's Day, which I hope all the mothers out there enjoyed!) and then get ready to report on Boopy's 2nd birthday party which is a low key affair this Saturday. I really can't believe she's going to be 2 already this coming Monday!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Is it Summer already?

It's that time of year....summer at the Vaughn house. Evident by the summer haircut. It's not quite as short in years past and we added a bit of fun this time. One problem I see with this haircut for Big Boy is that it makes him look so darn grown up! Where's my little boy at???

As for Boopy, well she may be cute as evidenced below but.....

This is what I live with!

Crazy Creatures!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!

So, you've all probably noticed a continual lag in my posts and my attempts to catch up to current day. Well, as you've guessed it, we've been busy, busy, busy! Instead of playing with my personal pictures and blog stuff, I've been working on Megan's wedding pictures from last Saturday, pictures for my friend Karen's new baby Ryan that I took Tuesday night after work and Ashlyn's 3 month pictures that I took this morning! Wow, there are a lot of pictures to edit! All fun, but busy. Then throw in Mom's Cafe night at People's Church that I attend once a month and happened to fall on this week's Monday, then weekly bible study on Wednesday, my birthday on Thursday which involved a lovely surprise night out with just me and Papa Vaughn and you've got one tired Mama Vaughn! At least the weather is beautiful again so I'm putting things on hold and taking advantage of sneaking out with the the kids for some sheer enjoyment.
*Edited - Go SEE what I've been up to!!

Surpise Visit!

Yippee!!! A week ago, Thursday night, April 24th, we received a surprise visit from Grandma & Grandpa Prohaska! Well, okay, it wasn't a complete surprise but it was a last minute route change on the tail end of their road trip. The had just traveled from Washington state to Virgina to Arkansas and then Vegas. Since they were so close they changed plans to go directly north home and instead rerouted to California to get a fast grandkid fix! Big Boy and Boopy were so excited to see Grandpa's blue truck pull up in the driveway. Big Boy in fact even got to pretend drive it!

Because Grandma & Grandpa were going to be in town both Papa Vaughn and I took Friday off. That gave us all a great chance to really enjoy some nice family visit time before they left at noon on Friday. Yes, a very short visit, but fun nonetheless! We did squeeze in some time for a nice walk around the neighborhood which the kids really enjoyed.

It was like Christmas with the amount of presents Grandma & Grandpa brought the kids from their trip. Not to mention the goodies that Papa and I got, some of which were things from my Grandma Carol's estate and things my Grandma Mergler in Virginia wanted us to have now!

Big Boy LOVES his new truck lovingly nicknamed "Chocolate Milk Big"!

Bath time with Grandma brings many smiles!

Grandpa's make great perches for playing video games.

Let's go for a walk!

Big Boy did a great job taking a picture of Grandma & Grandpa!

It was discovered on our walk that Big Boy is part frog. Ribbet!

Quick Vaughn family picture. None of us with brushed hair, looking a bit ragged, but a fun family nonetheless!